Crafting bespoke solutions to meet relevant risk exposures

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Commercial & Industrial

We serve the entire spectrum of industries, including but not limited to:
- Agriculture
- Education, construction & development
- Property & logistics

Private Clients

We provide risk management for private clients to support their legacy and individual success.


FAULDS has 22 registered intermediaries.

The intermediary responsible for your portfolio fully complies with the fit and proper requirements of the Financial Advisory and Intermediate Services Act 2002 and is mandated to render financial advice and intermediary services for the products and services promoted.

Risk Transfer

Collaborating with insurers to minimise risk for the client. Key to our recommendation will be the ability and willingness of the insurer to build lasting relationships and being fair when dealing with significant losses.

Risk Consulting

Supporting clients with a strategic perspective of their exposures is fundamental to the development of relevant solutions. Considering the balance between risk management and risk transfer provides for a more meaningful impact.


Empowering relevant know-how to develop value-adding products and services. Each part of the proposed solution serves to support the overall risk management strategy.


Our people's knowledge and skills enables them to contribute to our vision. Where we need to engage specialist skills, we collaborate with associates in an effort to deliver on our clients' expectations. Our consultants have, on average, 25-years’ experience.


Being transparent and efficient in delivering contract certainty supports our mission. We continue to seek out relevant and innovative ways to provide clients with information that can support their decision-making.


We serve clients throughout South Africa, with teams located in Ballito, Benoni, Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg, Polokwane and Pretoria. We also collaborate with RXNet partners to serve all our clients outside South Africa.